
The architecture of Easyblocks decouples the editor from the underlying backend service. The backend is responsible for:

  1. Fetching, creating, updating and versioning of documents.

  2. Fetching, creating and updating templates.

Easyblocks comes with a simple cloud service ( that can be used in a following way:

import { Config, EasyblocksBackend } from "@easyblocks/core";

export const easyblocksConfig: Config = {
  backend: new EasyblocksBackend({
    accessToken: "<<< your access token >>>",
  // ...

The access token can be acquired by creating the account described in Getting Started.

Building custom Backend

You can build your own backend. Each Backend must conform to the following TS interface:

export type Backend = {
  documents: {
    get: (payload: { id: string; locale?: string }) => Promise<Document>;
    create: (payload: Omit<Document, "id" | "version">) => Promise<Document>;
    update: (payload: Omit<Document, "type">) => Promise<Document>;
  templates: {
    get(payload: { id: string }): Promise<UserDefinedTemplate>;
    getAll: () => Promise<UserDefinedTemplate[]>;
    create: (payload: {
      label: string;
      entry: NoCodeComponentEntry;
      width?: number;
      widthAuto?: boolean;
    }) => Promise<UserDefinedTemplate>;
    update: (payload: {
      id: string;
      label: string;
    }) => Promise<Omit<UserDefinedTemplate, "entry">>;
    delete: (payload: { id: string }) => Promise<void>;

export type Document = {
  id: string;
  version: number;
  entry: NoCodeComponentEntry;

export type UserDefinedTemplate = {
  id: string;
  label: string;
  thumbnail?: string;
  thumbnailLabel?: string;
  entry: NoCodeComponentEntry;
  isUserDefined: true;
  width?: number;
  widthAuto?: boolean;

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